The words “River Walk” should flash upon our inward eye, visions of tranquillity, a certain colourful exoticism or romantic allure. Alas, not so when we describe the Thurles River Walk, running southwest beside the River Suir in the heart of Thurles.
The stench from drains, each deliberately designed to flow into the river, from various nearby developments, ensured that walkers, today, kept to the well-trodden Slievenamon Road route.
If local residents, council officials or even politicians, wish to view this offensive run-off into the river, with the help of your nose you can find same, some 50 yards south of the new Thurles footbridge on the west side of the river bank walkway.

Even the delusional Jackie Cahill TD, last week; who soon will be responsible for bringing the World Cup to Semple Stadium, Thurles, thankfully, possibly because of the existing stench, kept his weekly concocted, fictitious and mendacious promotional video very short, when announcing €120,000 (amount €30,000 less than his annual salary & expenses) for an extension to this same walkway.
(Ah, yes you do possibly remember the above other J.C.; the guy who sent me the famous misspelt quote in relation to the “Double Ditch”: “Iv done more in 5 years than you have in youre life GEORGIE WILLOBY”. Stop emailing”. On €100,000 plus expenses J.C., we hope you have, but we greatly doubt it.).

Meanwhile, on the east side of Thurles town, the now derelict Munster hotel, situated close to a Medical Pharmacy; two Food Takeaways and two Dine-in Restaurants and opposite a most beautiful Cathedral; has allowed its underground cellar to flood to a depth of at least one metre. Owned by a member of Thurles Chamber of Commerce, we understand; the flood water now attracts water rats from the river to operate behind terraced houses in the area, while also collecting an abundance of litter. Here also we can expect to find a different, yet another unpleasant fragrance.
It would appear no one is in charge in the Thurles Municipal District presently. Maybe we need to have a public demonstration and a change in political direction, when we get this accursed Covid-19 under control.
The council submitted an application for funding of 2.8 million in respect of the stone farm building in the carpark near the source and the installation of a canopy. Regeneration at the Munster Hotel could remove an eyesore, provide Student accommodation, food and beverage operation, perhaps an indoor recreation space (non nightclub) and Summer Accommodation for visitors to Thurles. I have no objection to public private partnership – council/college/property owner/operator could collaborate.
Really bad smell up the Mall again last week. Scumbags have also damaged one of the new trees. Rubbish everywhere. Tipperary County Council have given up on it completely. They no longer cut the grass behind the stone wall.