Association of Catholic Priests believe a statement by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), issued 22nd of February 2021, is both negative and condemnatory.

The Association of Catholic Priests (ACP) believes that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) document is unfortunate and unwise, both in content and in timing. It is also contradictory. The content is negative, and condemnatory.
While it says that gay people are loved and valued by the Church, it then states that they are sinners, that their loving relationships are fundamentally opposed to God’s plan for creation. The certainty with which they assume what God can and cannot do, is breathtaking. It seems fair to say that gay people, reading this document, will not feel loved and valued.
This divisive statement comes at a time when there is a major initiative, both in the Vatican and by the Irish bishops, to initiate a process of synodality (an assembly of church officials or churches), meaning a process where people will be asked for their views on all aspects of church life. It is emphasised that everyone’s voice will be heard, especially those on the margins of the Church.
Following on from this judgemental and discriminatory statement, it will be hard for gay people to believe that Church authorities will be open and welcoming of their views.
The leadership of the ACP is saddened and disappointed by this document. It is increasingly difficult to remain hopeful of an inclusive church.
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