“Men prefer darkness, because their deeds are evil”.
Gospel according to St. John, Chapter 3 -Verse 18.

When Mother Nature removed her warm “overcoat of green and pleasant foliage” last winter, she revealed the fact that Fly Tippers had located a new area in which to secretly dump their domestic rubbish, here in Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
Obviously, conscience of the Covid-19 virus restrictions, the criminal in question did not go past the 5 kilometre (3.1 miles) limits, to the bog lands of Templetouhy or Littleton.
No, thankfully, instead they took advantage of the dark area on the north side of the Archerstown Road, to the rear of Thurles Golf Club, (close to the bad bend), to rid themselves of their beer bottles, toys and other unwanted trash.
Hopefully, Ms Cora Morrissey (Administrative Officer Environment & Climate Action Section, Tipperary Co. Council) will now scramble her forensic investigation team, to check out the contents, or maybe the ‘Fly Tipper’ responsible, may since have obtained his trash /recycling bins and suffering pangs of conscience; could rush back to erase all evidence of this deed, most foul.
Then again “Pigs may fly” and “Hell may freeze over”.
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