Parnell Street car park can be located directly opposite the Office of Mr Jackie Cahill TD, in Parnell St, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, [E41 VY66].

Currently this Parnell Street car park, with its torn up surface and muck, is reminiscent of an unoccupied slum area.
For all intents and purposes and in every practical sense, same is virtually now a refuse packed ghetto, with responsibility for its present deplorable state, the remit of Thurles Municipal District council. It is to the latter, as residents and business people, we pay our high Rates and Local Property Tax (LPT).
We watched yesterday, as civic minded individuals arrived with their boxes and bags of glass bottles; to file in the various glass containers. As you can see from the picture, all glass containers are packed to capacity and have been for weeks.
While some individuals returned home with their recyclable glass, others left same neatly on the ground in paper bags and loose; in the centre of already smashed glass, from glass containers which had previously fallen from the existing overloaded bins.
We learned recently that Tipperary Co. Council spent €50,000 removing litter left by fly-tippers. One wonders how many glass containers were thrown out of car boots into ditches and hedges, as individuals headed for their homes yesterday, unable to recycle their glass, under the promised glare of CCTV cameras.
Thurles now has three dumps, with a fourth dump expected to carry a further 24,500 tons of waste, currently being worked on, in anticipation of supported planning permission.
As I have said in the past, this is another case of no responsibility or accountability by the relevant Council staff and management. Well done for highlighting this issue amongst others.