Only YOU and you alone can stop the current chain of virus transmission.

The Department of Health has confirmed that there has, sadly, been 1 further death caused by the Covid-19 pandemic; leaving the overall death toll, here in the Republic of Ireland, remaining at 4,137.
There have been 686 new additional virus cases reported within the republic today. This leaves the current total number of confirmed cases, since conception, here in the Irish Republic, at 215,743.
Of the cases today; 278 are in Dublin, 49 in Limerick, 37 in Kildare, 32 in Louth, 31 in Donegal, with the remaining 259 cases located across all other counties.
In all, there have been a total of 4,800 virus cases confirmed within the borders of Co. Tipperary, to midnight on Saturday February 20th last, with 33 confirmed further cases as of that date. (313 virus cases confirmed over the previous 14 days, also to February 20th).
There are 726 people with Covid-19 in hospital, and of that number, 156 are in ICU’s, according to Ireland’s COVID-19 Data Hub.
Trade Unions representing Second Level teachers and other education partner representatives, have today been informed of public health advice which supports a cautious and phased reopening of schools from March 1st next.
This educational grouping were attending a meeting with current Minister for Education Ms Norma Foley, together with senior officials from her department.
Meanwhile, to current date and according to the latest figures supplied to the Department of Social Protection; the cost of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP) scheme has now exceeded €6 billion, since it was first launched in March of 2020.
Some 214,384 first doses of Covid-19 vaccines were administered by the Health Service Executive (HSE) here in Ireland up to February 19th, with 126,320 having received their second dose.
Meanwhile, the total worldwide number of cases identified up to 5:30pm this evening, now stands at well over 111.15 million confirmed cases, with global deaths almost 2.47 million.
Please Stay Safe – By Staying at Home.
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