Only YOU and you alone can stop the current chain of virus transmission.

The Department of Health have confirmed that there have, sadly, been 47 further deaths caused by the Covid-19 pandemic; leaving the overall death toll, here in the Republic of Ireland, remaining at 4,082.
There have been 901 new additional virus cases reported within the republic today, or 12,042 in the past 14 days. This leaves the current total number of confirmed cases, since conception, here in the Irish Republic, at 212,647.
Relative to midnight last night, (February 17th), 19 further cases of Covid-19 were confirmed over the previous 24 hours, here in Co. Tipperary, with 240 cases identified within the same area; within the past 14 days.
Of the cases today; 437 are in Dublin, 49 in Limerick, 43 in Galway, 39 in Kildare, 32 in Meath, with the remaining 301 cases located across all other counties.
There are 771 people with Covid-19 in hospital, and of that number, 151 are in ICU’s, according to Ireland’s COVID-19 Data Hub.
In Northern Ireland, sadly, 6 further people have died from Covid-19, with 297 new confirmed cases today.
Meanwhile Northern Ireland’s lockdown has been extended to April, but some primary school pupils will return to class on March 8th next.
The Vatican has informed their employees that they may risk losing their jobs if they refuse to get a Covid-19 vaccination ,without legitimate health reasons. Getting vaccinated they stated was the responsible choice, because of the risk of harming others.
HSE Chief Executive Mr Paul Reid has confirmed that Ireland is on track to deliver 80,000 vaccinations this week.
Some 182,193 first doses of Covid-19 vaccines were administered by the Health Service Executive (HSE) here in Ireland up to February 15th, with 98,388 having received their second dose.
EU Commissioner for Ireland, Ms Mairead McGuinness, has stated that the Commission is hopeful that the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine will be approved shortly, and that 200 million doses on order for EU states, should see Ireland receiving some 2.2 million doses.
The total world wide number of cases identified up to 5:30pm this evening, are now standing at well over 110 million confirmed cases, with global deaths well over 2.43million.
Please Stay Safe – By Staying at Home.
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