The planning application and its progress by Ryan Cleaning Event Specialists Ltd, for a 24,500 tonnes per annum waste facility, to be located at Cabragh Business Park in Thurles, can now be viewed on eplanning.ie (Click HERE to view).
The file number assigned to this planning application is 21158 and the application remains currently at the pre-validation stage.
Interested parties, of whom there are many, can view the ongoing progress of this planning application over the coming weeks via eplanning.ie by simply entering the reference number 21158 into the file search option available HERE.

The decision due date on this planning application is 08/04/2021.
For the many angry local residents with young families, now residing and paying heavy mortgages, who have contacted Thurles.Info, and who are living in the immediate area of Cabragh Business Park; you can find more information on the planning application process, by visiting HERE.
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