Only YOU can stop the current chain of transmission.

This evening the Department of Health have confirmed that, sadly, there have been 66 further deaths caused by the Covid-19 pandemic; leaving the overall death toll, here in the Republic of Ireland, remaining at 3,931.
We further learn that there have been 1,078 new additional virus cases reported in the republic today. This leaves the current total number of confirmed cases, since conception, here in the Irish Republic, at 208,796.
Relative to midnight last night, (February 12th), 15 further cases of Covid-19 were confirmed over the previous 24 hours, here in Co. Tipperary, with 267 cases identified within the same area in the past 14 days.
Of the cases today; 433 are in Dublin, 139 in Galway, 52 in Limerick, 49 in Limerick, 43 in Mayo, with the remaining 362 cases located across all other counties.
There are over 898 people with Covid-19 in hospital, and of that number, 171 are in ICU’s, according to Ireland’s COVID-19 Data Hub.
In Northern Ireland, sadly, 10 further people have died from Covid-19, with 303 new confirmed cases today.
The Children’s Ombudsman Dr. Niall Muldoon, has stated that Covid-19 restrictions are bringing about major difficulties for parents of children with special needs. However, Dr. Muldoon, like so many of our politicians in opposition, failed to offer any, even basic, solutions to the Covid-19 pandemic problems being weathered by such parents.
Meanwhile, a helpline will be setup to operate at NUI Galway this weekend following an outbreak of Covid-19 among students within the university. The HSE confirm that following a risk assessment, many close contacts of known cases have now been identified.
As vaccine rollouts gathered pace around the world, the head of the EU’s disease control agency has warned that Covid-19 could last indefinitely, even as global infections slowed by nearly half in the last month.
The HSE has confirmed that almost all GP’s and practice nurses will have received at least their first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine by the end of business on Sunday evening next. Some 5,000 doses of the Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines were currently being administered at vaccination centres around the country today and tomorrow.
As of Wednesday Feb. 10th, the total number of 1st dose vaccines administered, sourced from the HSE’s vaccine information system, was 166,863. Some 89,818 people are understood to have now received two doses of the vaccine.
Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has stated Gardaí have at last changed their approach at airport checkpoints. This follows reports that people with little regard for fellow citizens, were booking dental appointments in Tenerife, in order to avoid being fined for non-essential travel.
The total world wide number of cases identified up to 5:30pm this evening, are now standing at almost 108.3 million confirmed cases, with global deaths heading for 2.39 million.
Please Stay Safe – Stay at Home.
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