Our numerous readers of Thurles.Info all currently living overseas, especially those involved in searching for their “Roots”, are asked to please take special note.
Website www.irishgenealogy.ie, for free, has added a whole additional year of historic Births, Marriages and Deaths, now available to research.
The records now available online include:
Birth register records – 1864 to 1920.
Marriage register records – 1845 to 1945.
Death register records – 1871 to 1970.
NB: Civil Registration of Marriages in the Roman Catholic Church only commenced in 1864.
The Civil Registration Service are currently working on updating the remaining records of Deaths dating back to 1864. These will be included in future updates to the records available on their website.
The website linked shown above is operated by the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.
Again the website remains free of charge to use and no subscription or registration is required to use it.
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