67 new killer Covid-19 virus cases in Co. Tipperary over the past 24 hours.
The Department of Public Health has made a plea to people residing in North Tipperary to stay at home and demonstrate solidarity with healthcare workers, following a surge in the number of Covid-19 virus infections confirmed in the past number of weeks; e.g. in the 14 days ending midnight January 18th last, the following number of confirmed cases in the local electoral areas: – Thurles – 162; Cashel-Tipperary – 275; Cahir – 200; Newport – 178; Clonmel – 245; Carrick-on-Suir – 178; Nenagh – 174; Roscrea-Templemore – 135.
It is interesting to note, in these difficult times, the hypocrisy of our Tipperary politicians, namely Mr Michael Lowry, Mr Mattie McGrath and Mr Jackie Cahill, latter who in September last, were pressurising government to re-open “Wet Pubs”, each standing to be photographed without face coverings and proper social distancing, in an attempt to ensure that their hoped for future electorate could recognise their vote catching fizzogs.

Now in the past week we see these same individuals, whistling a different tune to their electorate, in the hope that people’s memories are short, e.g. Mr Mattie McGrath TD, of the Rural Independent Group is laughingly slamming the Government for its “juvenile excuses” for not imposing mandatory travel quarantine.
Mr Michael Lowry TD is now demanding that a ‘battalion’ of licenced vaccinators be newly introduced to work around the clock in pop-up vaccination centres, with presently a shortage of vaccine supplies.
Mr Jackie Cahill TD, fresh from Cheltenham race track, is now asking his own government colleagues to develop a financial package for the breeding and national hunt industries, and at a time when jobs are being lost and the current Covid-19 virus phase is advancing into an extremely perilous position in hospitals and intensive care units (ICU’s) nationally.
Only YOU can stop the current chain of transmission.
No thoughts whatsoever for front-line healthcare workers, the vulnerable and the elderly they so like to be photographed with; their arms tightly wrapped around. Tonight, half of Covid-19 patients that need to be moved to intensive care units remain under the age 65 years, as our hospital system nationally remains under significant pressure.
Well over 950 people have been fined for being outside their homes without a reasonable excuse since last Monday week. Gardaí confirm that 771 penalties have been issued for non-essential travel and around 200 fines are currently being processed.
The Department of Health have confirmed this evening that, sadly, there have been 52 further deaths caused by the Covid-19 pandemic; leaving the overall death toll, here in the Republic of Ireland, remaining at 2,870.
We further learn that there have been 2,371 new additional virus cases reported in the republic today. This leaves the current total number of confirmed cases, since conception in the Irish Republic, at 184,279.
Of today’s cases nationally; 757 are in Dublin, 237 in Cork, 154 in Waterford, 123 in Wexford, 114 in Louth, with the remaining 986 cases located across all other counties.
There are over 1,969 people with Covid-19 in hospital, and of that number, 219 people are in ICU’s, according to Ireland’s COVID-19 Data Hub.
Within the last 14 days; again according to Ireland’s COVID-19 Data Hub, there have been 1,323 recorded cases of the killer Covid-19 Virus, within the borders of Co. Tipperary, per data published up until midnight yesterday, Thursday January 21st. To date there have been 3950 killer Covid-19 cases confirmed in Tipperary since the pandemic began.
Total global cases up to 5.30pm this evening, are now standing at well over 97.8 million confirmed cases, with global deaths almost 2.1 million.
Please Stay Safe – Stay Home.
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