Horse Trainer, Mr Brian McMahon, Kilmaley, Co. Clare, has been fined €1,000 and banned from attending all Irish race tracks for three months, having been found in breach of Level 5 Covid-19 regulations.

Mr McMahon, had attended the races at Thurles, Co. Tipperary on Dec. 20th before Christmas 2020, despite having attended the Goff’s sale at Yorton Farm in the United Kingdom three days previous, and having failed to continue to restrict his movements upon his return, under Irish National Public Health Guidelines.
Mr McMahon is also understood to have falsified his health screening questionnaire, in order to gain access to the Thurles track, answering ‘No‘ to the question of whether he had travelled outside the State, within the previous 14 calendar days. Mr McMahon also failed to provide the required negative COVID-19 result result, latter required when attending an Irish race meeting.
The Irish Horse Racing Regulatory Board became aware of the true facts relating Mr McMahon travel arrangements, but only following his attendance at the Thurles meeting.
The referrals committee convened via “Zoom” on Wednesday last, finding McMahon in breach of Rule 272(i), in that he had acted in a manner which was “prejudicial to the integrity, proper conduct, or good reputation of horse racing”.
He was also found guilty under Rule 272(ii) as he had provided misleading information to a racing official by falsifying the health screening questionnaire.
McMahon is now prohibited from attending all races here in Ireland from Jan. 21st last to April 2nd, next 2021.
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