Please do remember at this difficult time, that essential contact phone numbers for Thurles, Templemore, Borrisleigh, Littleton, Two-Mile-Borris, Horse & Jockey and Holycross are available to view HERE.
NOTE: Businesses named in the latter contacts indicated immediately above, whose establishment details are followed by the letter D (after their name and telephone number), convey the ability to provide a Home Delivery Service, thus allowing you, yourself, to continue social distancing.

On a day when there are 2,700 HSE staff unavailable for work, due to being either Covid-19 positive, or who have been in close contact with another positive case; the Department of Health have confirmed this evening that sadly there has been 20 further deaths caused by the Covid-19 pandemic; leaving the overall death toll, here in the Republic of Ireland, remaining at 2,327.
There are 8,248 new additional virus cases reported today, three cases of which are the new Covid-19 variant that originated in South Africa. This leaves the current total number of confirmed cases, since conception in the Irish Republic, at 135,884.
According to Ireland’s COVID-19 Data Hub, there have been 922 new recorded cases in the past 14 days, in Tipperary, an increase of 156 in the past 24 hours, up until midnight last night, January 7th 2021.
Confirmed Infection Rates per each Electoral Division in Co. Tipperary in the 14 days between 22/12/20 and 04/01/21 show: –
Newport – 123 cases.
Cashel-Tipperary – 78 cases.
Nenagh – 76 cases.
Clonmel – 63 cases.
Cahir – 57 cases.
Thurles – 55 cases.
Roscrea-Templemore – 50 cases.
Carrick-on-Suir – 33 cases.
Of today’s cases nationally; 3,013 are in Dublin, 1,374 in Cork, 538 in Limerick, 314 in Kildare, 310 in Donegal with the remaining 2,699 cases located across all other counties..
There are now 1,180 patients with Covid-19 in hospital in the Republic, with 109 patients in intensive care units.
There has been a 100% uptake of the Covid-19 vaccine in residential care homes so far, according to Ms Anne O’Connor (Chief Operations Officer with the HSE).
In Northern Ireland today, sadly an additional 20 deaths from Covid-19 were reported, with another 1,434 new infections confirmed.
Important Note: People who are travelling to and from Covid-19 tests are being strongly requested not to open their car window, if stopped at a Garda checkpoint. Gardaí request instead that drivers and passengers display their test appointment confirmation, through closed windows.
Non-essential construction has ceased this evening until at least the end of January, as part of new restrictions introduced on Wednesday last; in an effort to slow the spread of the third wave of the Covid-19 virus. Excluded from this ruling are specific Covid-19 health projects; housing adaptation grants; repairs critical to maintenance for rail, utility projects and roads.
Minister for Education Norma Foley has stated that it is the “firm and shared objective” of all those in the education sector that Leaving Certificate exams will take place this year following her u-turn regarding the Leaving Cert 3 day return to Irish classrooms. [One wonders who the “Shared” are; obviously and correctly not all front-line educaters or their unions].
Total global cases up to 5.30pm this evening, now stand at well over 88 million, with global deaths well over 1.90 million.
Please rediscover the spirit of solidarity – remember: “Only YOU can stop the chain of transmission.”
Please Do Stay Safe.
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