It was with a great sadness that we learned of the passing of Sr. Regina Gleeson, formerly of Clogher, Clonoulty, Cashel, Co. Tipperary, and late of the Presentation Sisters, officially the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
Sister Regina sadly passed from us on November 1st 2020, surrounded by her loving community colleagues.
Bernadette Gleeson was the youngest daughter of Nora and Michael Gleeson. She attended Cloneyharp Primary School, before going on to attend the Presentation Secondary School in Thurles town as a day student, residing back then with her cousins the O’Brien’s, latter who conducted an electrical business directly opposite her school, on Cathedral Street, in the town.
As a young girl she adored horses and the outdoor life in general. On entering the religious life with the Presentation Order, she left instructions with her mother and brother, prior to leaving home; to “Keep the horses, I might be back”. She chose never to return, but nevertheless maintained a lifelong interest and love of the equine world.
Following her time in the novitiate, Sr. Regina studied as a student of education, graduating as a teacher and having received her degree was assigned to the land of the ‘Kiwi’, New Zealand to the Presentation Sisters Convent in Wellington, where she served, teaching diligently, for some 14 years.
She returned to Ballingarry (SR), Co. Tipperary where she again took on the role of teaching for a time in the Presentation Secondary school there, before being sent to Monasterevin, Co. Kildare, to be part of the Presentation Convent’s administration and their Congregations leadership team. This new posting led her to travelling to faraway places including India and the Philippines.
Sr. Regina was indeed a true visionary, who developed new and imaginative ideas in relation to her ongoing activities. When later she returned to Dublin she began work with the Conference of Religious for Ireland, latter an umbrella organisation for religious institutes active in the Roman Catholic Church here in Ireland.
A lady with a great sense of humour and light-heartedness; in her spare time she taught illiterate people the art of reading and writing. She was a person of many talents who loved cooking and when possible, hill climbing. As an accomplished artist she displayed her love of nature to others, through the many pictures which he painted.
In 2015 Sr. Regina returned once again to her county town of Thurles, in Co. Tipperary, from her Presentation Community in Clondalkin, Co. Dublin, where she continued on her religious journey, looking after the poor and the needy, through her commitment as a member of the voluntary charitable organisation the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. [St. Joseph’s Conference Thurles].
On Sunday, November 1st, 2020, same was a very good day for Sr. Regina. She enjoyed the day taking part in the congregation’s community singing and other activities. However, as All Hallows’ Day drew to a close, Sr. Regina complained of not feeling well and later passed away, surrounded by her religious colleagues.
Due to National Public Health Guidelines regarding Covid-19 virus restrictions, family and close friends gathered in limited numbers to bid farewell to Sr. Regina and to acknowledge and celebrate, in their own small way, her very full life and to mourn the passing of a lady who served her community, demonstrating immense humanity through her teaching and charitable works.
Requiem Mass was held for Sr. Regina in the Presentation Convent Chapel, celebrated by Fr. James Purcell P.P. and His Grace Archbishop of Cashel & Emly, Kieran O’Reilly (SMA), followed immediately afterwards by interment in Clogher graveyard, Clonoulty, Cashel, Co. Tipperary.
Sr. Regina (Bernadette Gleeson), suaimhneas síoraí dá h-anam dílis.
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