Multiple coronavirus cases have been confirmed in urgent correspondence forwarded to parents on Tuesday, November 24th last, from a primary school here in Co Tipperary.
According to the Irish Mirror today, school officials have stated that the children who had tested positive, were in two separate classes and had NOT been in school for a number of days.
The letter sent to parents and guardians reads:
“I am writing to inform you that two pupils in separate classes have tested positive for Covid-19 today.
These pupils have not been in school for a number of days and they were both asymptomatic over the weekend. You will appreciate the school has to respect the confidentiality of the families involved and has to abide by Data Protection Laws.
If your child has not been identified as a close contact, he/she does not need a test and he/she can safely continue to attend school as normal. No further actions are required on your part.”
Figures, published today, show schools are the third most likely place to record clusters of the virus.
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