The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) have advised Arrabawn Co-op, latter headquartered in Nenagh, North Co. Tipperary, to recall certain batches of milk that are potentially unsafe due to the presence of Enterobacteriaceae bacteria.
Nature Of Danger:
Enterobacteriaceae are a group of bacteria, of which some can be harmful to humans. The test for Enterobacteriaceae is used as an indicator of poor hygiene, process failure and/or post-processing contamination of heat processed foods. The test itself does not confirm the presence of harmful bacteria.
Action Required by the FSAI:
Retailers are requested to remove the implicated batches [Approval No. IE 1439EC] immediately from sale and to display a point-of-sale recall notice in stores where the affected batches were sold.
- Implicated Batches in question are being sold in Aldi, Spar and Mace: –
- Arrabawn Fresh Milk 2.L – Use By Date 26/10
- Homefarm Fresh Milk 2.L – Use By Date 26/10
- Gala Fresh Milk 2.L – Use By Date 26/10
- Mace Fresh Milk 2.L – Use By Date 26/10
- Clonbawn* Fresh Milk – 2L & 3L
- Clonbawn* Light Milk 1% fat – 1L & 3L – Use By Date 27/10
* Clonbawn Branded Milk sold in Aldi Stores
Caterers and other consumers are asked not to use or drink the implicated batches of milk.
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