
Gardaí Warn of New Phishing Scam

Fraudulent Email Alert

An Garda Síochána wish to alert the public to a ‘phishing’ scam whereby persons are being contacted by an email claiming to be from the Department of Justice and Equality, but will use the words ‘Ireland Justice Department’ and will come from the email address ‘’.

The main body of text asks people to register for jury service by clicking on the link, ‘’.
When clicked on; it redirects people to a cloned website, where a person’s name, date of birth and PPS number is sought.

Gardaí are advising the public as follows:

  • Do not respond to unsolicited emails
  • Do not clicks onto links contained within them
  • Do not give away any personal data
  • Report the matter to An Garda Siochana
  • Be aware that the public are never asked to register for jury service in this manner as people are contacted by summons for jury service by the County Registrar.

More information is available from Courts Services via the following link


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