Five New Killer COVID-19 cases In Co. Tipperary

This evening, figures from the Department of Health confirm that there have been, zero deaths caused by the Covid-19 pandemic; leaving the overall death toll here in the Republic of Ireland remaining at 1,802.
However, there are 430 new additional cases reported today, leaving the current total number of confirmed cases, since conception in the Irish Republic, at 34,990.
Of today’s confirmed cases, 5 are in Tipperary [774 Cases in total]; nearly half the cases, 212, are in Dublin; 54 in Cork; 23 each in Donegal and Galway; 16 in Louth; 15 in Monaghan; 12 each in Clare and Meath; 9 in Cavan; 8 in Roscommon; 7 in Wicklow; 6 in Limerick; 5 in Kildare; with the remaining 23 cases located in 9 other counties.
Of people who tested positive, 72% were under 45 years old.
Northern Ireland have reported 187 new cases of coronavirus today, but happily no further deaths
Please do make a special effort to stay safe by reducing social contacts;
avoiding crowds; physically distancing; while wearing face coverings and washing your hands regularly.
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