Killer Covid-19 Virus Update – Tipperary Cases Increase.

This evening, figures from the Department of Health confirm that there has been sadly 2 new deaths caused by the Covid-19 pandemic; leaving the overall death toll here in the Republic of Ireland remaining at 1,783.
However, there are 159 new additional cases reported today, leaving the current total number of confirmed cases, since conception in the Irish Republic, at 30,730.
Of this evenings virus cases; 75 are in Dublin (confirmed as having 47% of the cases); 10 in Louth; 6 each in Cork, Donegal and Meath; 5 each in Laois, and Wexford. The remaining 46 cases are stretched across Co. Tipperary (Latter 739 Cases in Total); Carlow; Cavan; Clare; Galway; Kerry; Kildare; Kilkenny; Leitrim; Limerick; Longford; Mayo; Offaly; Roscommon; Waterford; Westmeath and Wicklow.
The national incidence rates over the past 14 days, show sadly Co. Tipperary in 8th place (35.7 per 100,000 people). (Overall Tipperary total showing as 739).
Carrigatogher, Co. Tipperary and Roscrea, Co. Tipperary are amongst the top 45 electoral districts, of 3,409 electoral divisions in total nationally, both with the highest incidence of Covid-19 per 100,000 people in the state.
Counties with the top highest incidence outbreak as expected are Dublin [View, live, O’Connell Street, Dublin, online here.] (73.2); Limerick (66.2); Kildare (61.6), per 100,000 people.
Over an 8 day period, Dublin accrued 563 new confirmed cases of the killer virus, bringing the county’s total number of cases to 14,206.
The number of Covid-19 cases in hospitals nationally according to HSE figures as of 8:00pm last night, indicate 53 patients receiving treatment, up two on the previous day and of that number, seven people remain in intensive care units.
If Ireland starts to see 300 to 500 cases confirmed on a daily rate, same is most likely to seriously impact on an already swamped hospital system, this winter.
Meanwhile, Gardaí now have the power to close non compliant licenced hostelries and restaurants following Irish President Mr Michael D. Higgins having signed into law the “Criminal Justice Enforcement Powers Covid-19 Bill”.
Please do make an effort to stay safe by reducing social contacts; avoiding crowds; physically distancing; while wearing face coverings and washing your hands regularly.
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