New Covid-19 Cases In Tipperary
This evening, figures from the Department of Health confirm that there has been zero new deaths caused by the Covid-19 pandemic; leaving the overall death toll here in the Republic of Ireland remaining at 1,777.
However, there are 138 new additional cases reported today, leaving the current total number of confirmed cases, since conception in the Irish Republic, at 29,672.
There have been 106 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Northern Ireland
Of the cases reported today in the Republic; 68 are in Dublin; 13 in Limerick; 9 each in Galway and Kildare; 5 each in Cork, Wexford and Wicklow.
The remaining 24 cases are spread between counties Tipperary; Carlow; Clare; Donegal; Kilkenny; Laois; Leitrim; Longford; Mayo; Meath; Offaly; Roscommon; Waterford, and Westmeath.
Some 67% of these 138 cases confirmed are in people under the age of 45 years.
Ireland is now placed 11th in the 31 countries for which the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) publishes figures.
From a worldwide perspective, today the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Baltimore, Maryland USA, report confirmed global cases have now reached almost 27 million people and sadly also report deaths, directly caused by the virus, rapidly approaching 900 thousand people.
Other Covid-19 related news:
Draft guidelines for the reopening of Irish pubs, that do not serve food has been drawn up up by Fáilte Ireland and circulated to vintners’ groups this weekend. These recommendations insist on a strict table service policy with counter service totally prohibited.
The requirements also insist on the keeping of customer records for contact tracing purposes and time slots, latter which are limited to 1 hour and 45 minutes where physical distancing of 1 metre can be maintained.
However, where physical distancing of 2 metres can be strictly maintained; time slots of 105 minutes are not a requirement. All customers will have to exit every premises by 11:30pm.
The decoration of glasses and any included liquid content, e.g. cocktails bearing umbrellas, straws and swizzle sticks etc., same should be kept to a minimum and drinking straws supplied should be individually wrapped. Customers smoking tobacco must remain seated in the areas provided for smoking.
Please do stay safe by reducing social contacts; avoiding crowds; physically distancing; while wearing face coverings and washing your hands regularly.
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