Gardaí in Roscrea, North Co. Tipperary, as part of “Operation Nest” have arrested two people and seized drugs and cash to the value of €3,650.
Multiple searches have take place in Roscrea area by Gardai this month, in their efforts to target the sale and supply of drugs, initiated in response to a heightened level of community engagement in the area.
Details of Garda activity in this area are as follows:
June 10th 2020: Gardaí, assisted by the Garda Dog Unit, executed a search warrant at a house on Carroll’s Row, seizing cash to the value of €1,800 and crystal meth to the value of €200. During the search Gardaí also seized a weighing scales and a mobile phone. A juvenile, aged in his mid-teens was arrested and a file will be prepared for the DPP.
June 10th 2020: On the same day, yet another juvenile was haulted and searched. Same search yielded €150 of cannabis herb. The teenager will be processed under the juvenile diversion programme.
June 17th 2020: Cash to the value of €1,450 and cannabis herb to the value €50 was seized when a man understood to be in his 20’s was searched on the Old Dublin Road in the town. He also was arrested and later released with a file to be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.
On December 20th 2019, a large seizure took place at Gleann Glas, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, when €4,000 worth of cocaine was seized during a similar planned search operation. Back then a local man in his 30’s was arrested at the scene.
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