According to An Post, there will be delays to mail deliveries as and from today, as the Irish postal service correctly introduce a staggered working time for employees during this coronavirus pandemic.
While obviously an inconvenience to customers, same is essential to provide safer working times at local postal delivery offices, while thus ensuring effective social distancing amongst staff.
These postal service changes will result in later mail and parcel deliveries for customers from today.
Customers in receipt of Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection welfare payments will receive a two-week payment, beginning from either today or from next Monday, March 30th.
A two-week payment will be made this week to most Social Welfare payment customers, with the exception of those in receipt of Jobseeker; Working Family payments; Supplementary Welfare Allowance; One Parent Family Payment and Rent Supplement. Latter named customers will receive their regular payment this week and the two-week payment as and from next week, beginning March 30th.
All Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection payments will be held at the post office for 90 days, to enable customers to plan post office and shopping visits.
Here in Thurles Social distancing measures are in place (as indeed at all post offices) and An Post Thurles are requesting that all customers follow the clearly marked queuing instructions displayed inside the post office, while observing social distancing, if waiting outside in the main Shopping Centre isle.
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