We here at Thurles.Info first joked about it, on September 17th, 2018; well what else can you do when you are dealing with personnel who have little or no regard for the spending of local taxpayer’s money. [Please Click HERE.]

We further discussed the same subject again, more seriously, on December 5th, 2018. [Please Click HERE.]
Powerless local municipal district councillors remained, as usual, silent; demonstrating their inability to operate comment on social media.

Taxpayers and Thurles Chamber of Commerce members, as usual also remained silent, latter Chamber members choosing to pursue instead, personal self-interests, regarding certain planning applications being sought in Mitchel Street.
So, here again is yet one more blatant example of where Tipperary County Council road engineers have insisted on flushing gained Local Property Tax (LPT) increases down the proverbial toilet.
Readers can view at first hand the feeble attempts and laughable efforts made by the Tipperary Co. Council road engineer, to force large vehicles off the kerbing, by using thin hollow piping, latter embedded in cement. This money wasting exercise, today, can be viewed at the Clongour Road / Slievenamon Road T junction.
This work was undertaken, just before Christmas, by a private company (Tipperary Co. Council refuse to employ staff choosing instead to employ outside contractors at triple the cost), using a Plastic Bollard and a Plastic Ridgeguard type Pedestrian Restraint Barrier to give warning to advancing traffic, until the cement had dried around the hollow pipes. Both the plastic bollard and the barrier have now both been destroyed by large vehicles and remain strewn about the stated area.
Who sanctioned and signed off on this irresponsible, unqualified piece of witless decision making?
Perhaps local councillors will discuss this at their next meeting, and include that for over two months most of the traffic lights are out of sync and some green 120-volt bulbs are NOT working.
Engineers…..? engines with ears….and engines without ears….?