A Poem For Polling Day
Poem Courtesy of Thurles Author & Poet Tom Ryan ©
I’ll cast my vote for A, – no B.
Then maybe I should go for C ?
Or D or E?
We’ll see!
They’re all the bleeding one to me.
But what if I don’t vote at all,
And sit and just plain watch it all?
The worst of two or four or three
Will do the devil, just you see.
Or worse, we’ll have rank anarchy.
And so I’ll vote for one and all,
And then I’ll boo them in the Dáil,
Independents, Labour, FF, FG
And thus ensure democracy.
I’m only just a common man,
But on polling day I’m superman,
Not fooled by promises of jam,
And so I’ll vote accordingly.
My number one and two and three
Will go to one who’s best for me!
I’ve sized them up, oh, what a lark,
They all should be in Phoenix Park,
As half of them are in the dark.
The others blind, you see.
Tom Ryan, “Iona”, Rahealty, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.