Thurles next free deafness clinic – Wednesday August 14th 2019.

Ms Alona Troy (Community Resource Officer) with “Chime” reports:-
Note: Our next clinic will be held on Wednesday August 14th 2019, from 10:00am to 1:00pm, in St. Mary’s Health Centre, Castlemeadows, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
This is a free and confidential support service, relating to all aspects of deafness and hearing loss. Information and resources, assistive technologies, minor repairs, hearing aid batteries (€2 per card) and more.
Should you require further information or advice please contact the resource office at ‘Chime‘, Pery Street, Limerick on Tel. No.: (061) 467 494; Fax: (061) 467 497; Text: (087) 6839754 or simply Email:
Thank you for your attention.
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