Teacher: “Paddy now listen carefully; if I gave you 2 rabbits, then another 2 rabbits and then yet another 2 rabbits, how many rabbits in total would you own?”
Paddy: “Seven Miss”.
Teacher: “No Paddy, you are not listening. If I gave you 2 rabbits, then another 2 rabbits and then 2 more rabbits, how many rabbits in total would you have in all?”
Paddy: “I would have seven rabbits Miss”.
Teacher: “OK, I will put it to you differently. If I gave you 2 apples, then another 2 apples and then another 2 apples, how many apples in total would you have?”
Paddy: “I would have six apples Miss”.
Teacher: “Excellent. Now lets try this again. If I gave you 2 rabbits, then another 2 rabbits and then 2 more rabbits, how many rabbits in total would you have?”
Paddy (Counting on his fingers): “I would have seven rabbits Miss”.
Teacher (Now annoyed): “Paddy in the name of God, where are you getting your seven from?”
Paddy: “Well I feckin already have one rabbit at home, Miss”.
Absolutely fabulous. George if you don’t mind. I will print this one out.
And take it to the seniors club. Plenty of paddy’s in that club. Especially Sean he keeps rabbits. Thanks George for keeping my seniors laughing.
Well George I had a great day with my seniors. And this Mathematic game was a huge hit. One or two could not work it out at first. Mind you some a little bit slow. Then I explained it to them. A good laugh by all. And then a good sing along to finish the day. Thank you George once again for your help.