Tipperary County Council hopeful M/s Ciara McCormack, representing the Party of Protest (Sinn Fein) last Saturday, complained bitterly about individuals tearing down election posters. M/s McCormack claimed on TippFM this morning and wrote on her Facebook, quote; “Up to 60 of my election posters were deliberately torn down since we put them up. Somebody must be afraid of my message. Thanks for all the support and information I have received over the past few days, it has been overwhelming. The Gardaí and Tipperary County Council have been informed. If anyone else seen (The word is ‘SAW’ M/s McCormack, “If anyone else saw..” )anyone tampering with my posters please let me know.”

As a website administrator, totally supportive of hard working local Councillors, I immediately called in ‘The Boys’. Pulling down election posters is I believe grossly insouciant; even insensible for someone trying to obtain a five year contract, earning a mere crust of €16.500 (at least, plus travel and subsistance) per annum.
‘The Boys’ moved quickly to report back. It seems that those responsible for erecting M/s McCormack’s posters were somewhat inexperienced and naive in such matters; punching holes too close together, before inserting their sharp little white cable ties.
Look at it this way, as Mikey Ryan said to me today, “It could happen to a Bishop, and I have no doubt M/s McCormack will be as red faced as her new jacket, when she reads this; issuing sincere apologies left, right and centre to her electorate in Thurles and surrounding hamlets”.
Meanwhile, following M/s McCormack’s complaint to Gardaí, same are anxious to interview a lady named Hannah Storm, latter whom they believe is responsible for felling two trees near Barry’s Bridge, here in Thurles. To date no one has been arrested.
No, before you start sending me those emails and Facebook PM’s; M/s Hannah Storm is not the sister of that renowned singing star M/s Rebecca Storm. You know the lady, she sings that song, “The Winner Takes It All”.
Now get on about your business, in the certain knowledge that this sorry episode was itself only a mere “storm in a teacup”.
P.S. One of these posters can be located for inspection at the rear of Spaview Veterinary Office on Ikerrin Road, Thurles.
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