Ms Alona Troy (Community Resource Officer with Chime, the National Charity for Deafness and Hearing Loss), now reports:-
“Our next clinic will be on Wednesday April 10th 2019, from 10:00am to 1:00pm, in St Mary’s Health Centre, Castlemeadows, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
This is a free and confidential support service, dealing with all aspects of deafness and hearing loss. The clinic offers information and resources, assistive technologies, minor repairs, hearing aid batteries, [latter €2 a card] and much more.
Further upcoming clinic dates for Thurles in 2019
Further upcoming clinic dates for Thurles identified are:- May 8th and June 12th 2019. Do remember that elderly neighbours and elderly parents may not be comfortable with using social media, so having read this announcement, please do let them know verbally.
Should you require further information, please contact the resource office at ‘Chime’, Pery Street, Limerick, Tel: 061 467 494; Fax: 061 467 497; Text: 087 6839754; or Email: alona.troy@chime.ie – or why not check out our Website at www.chime.ie “.
Does the clinic do hearing tests. Thanks
No not in Thurles. However you can visit their offices in Pery Street, Limerick, Tel: 061 467 494. Their next appointment date is April 3rd, next. Best to give them a call.