The Criminal Assets Bureau has seized 115 cars, including Mercedes and BMWs, together with €43,000 in cash and £1,000 in sterling and a Rolex watch as part of their investigation into money laundering by a drugs gang in the mid-west region. A further bank account, with over €30,000 has also been frozen, under the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act. Documentation in relation to the financing and ownership of assets, mobile phones and electronic storage devices have also been seized in eight searches.
The eight searches were carried out yesterday in counties Tipperary, Limerick and Dublin, with the motor vehicles removed from the forecourt of a car sales company in Limerick. Two car sales businesses, two private homes and four professional offices including those of Solicitors, Accountants and a Finance Company in Tipperary, Limerick and Dublin were also searched.
Member of An Garda Síochána Arrested
One member of An Garda Síochána, latter suspected of leaking confidential information regarding the ongoing CAB investigation to the criminal gang; together with a senior businessman linked to the motor trade, have also been arrested and are being questioned.
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