On 7th February 2018, Thurles.info wrote to the Minister for Transport Tourism and Sport, Mr Shane Ross, regarding the then state of Thurles Bridge (Barry’s Bridge), the towns main arterial thoroughfare to and from the east. Pertinent photographs were also attached.
On April 5th 2018 (almost 2 months later) his office replies.
Our Ref: SR/18/20917.
Dear George
I refer to your email of 7th February regarding the poor condition of the Thurles Bridge in Tipperary.As Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport I have responsibility for overall policy and funding in relation to the national roads programme. The construction, improvement and maintenance of individual national roads is a matter for Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) under the Roads Acts 1993-2015 in conjunction with the local authorities concerned.
I have, therefore, forwarded your email to Mr. Michael Nolan, Chief Executive of TII, for his attention and direct reply.
With best wishes,
Shane Ross
(Minister for Transport Tourism and Sport)
The Minister is a Designated Public Official under the Regulation of Lobbying Act, 2015 (details available on www.lobbying.ie).

Pictures Left-Right: (1) Wed 4th April 2018; (2) Friday 6th April 2018, and (3) Friday 6th April 2018.
We replied to Minister Shane Ross immediately (4 hours later) on April 5th 2018.
To Mr Shane Ross (Minister for Transport Tourism and Sport)
I thank you for your communication of the 5th instant, April 2018.Perhaps you would take the time to read link; http://www.thurles.info/2018/04/04/work-to-begin-again-on-barrys-bridge-whenever/. Please also see; (dated 2011) http://www.thurles.info/2011/08/09/thurles-bypass-halted/
Following the evidence shown in this link, Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) under the Roads Acts 1993-2015 and in conjunction with the local authorities concerned; it would appear are incapable of undertaking this work. This bridge surface has been replaced / repaired for the 3rd time in less than 6 months, and very shortly will require repairs to be undertaken again. It is unlikely that this matter will be conveyed to Mr. Michael Nolan, Chief Executive of TII.
With the greatest respect Minister, what Thurles now needs is the promised Bypass, initially pledged some 16 year ago, and which was recently announced and targeted in the recent National Development Plan.
Sir, with everything in place except funding; (that’s according to local Councillors); What we now need is a Bypass start date.
Again thank you for your communication.
Kindest regards, Thurles.Info.
Thurles Cathedral Street Car-park
On April 4th 2018, we wrote on Thurles.Info. Quote:- “Here in Thurles again today, the Council truck did its daily sweep of the town, filling an occasional water laden hole with cold tarmac, which will be reduced to gravel within 48 hours”.
Picture on left above is the entrance to Thurles Cathedral Street Car-park after water laden holes were filled with cold tarmac on April 4th 2018. Today is April 6th 2018, and today this is how the entrance to Thurles Cathedral Street Car-park looks just two days later. (View pictures in centre and on the right shown above).
I hasten to add that this is not the fault of the employees who undertook this work, but rather the fault of those who sent them out, with substandard incorrect materials, demonstrating little respect for taxpayers money.
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