Lowry Confirms Thurles Relief Road Eligible For Funding Under The National Development Plan

Michael Lowry TD
Independent Deputy Michael Lowry TD has today announced that further to his discussions with Ministers Mr Paschal Donoghue and Mr Shane Ross, the Government have included the much-needed Thurles Relief Road, as a project for appraisal under the National Development Plan.
“This is a vital project necessary for Thurles, to alleviate chronic traffic congestion; enable sites deemed sterile to be developed; and further allow for economic activity and growth within the town”, stated Lowry.
“Through my involvement over the years with this project, which was already advanced through securing funding for the Jimmy Doyle Ring Road and also the funding for research, evaluation and engineering design for this Thurles Relief Road scheme; those same efforts had already brought us to the point where we had the preferred route selected”, continued the Deputy.
This project received a major setback in August 2011, when the coalition government of Fine Gael/Labour insisted on axing this Thurles Relief Road development.
“I am now delighted to announce the revival and renewal of this necessary project. Tipperary Co. Council will now officially be able to make the necessary submissions to the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport; to further advance this formerly axed project, under the new National Development Plan”, declared Lowry.
Great news Michael, but I will believe it when I see it. Our town is being left behind.