Thurles Lions Trust To Hold Information Day On Stanwix Homes Refurbishment

Stannix Home, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
The Department of Housing has granted an allocation €3.15 million for the upgrade of the Stanwix Homes to Thurles Lions Housing Trust Association, who intend to carry out repairs to the existing building, as well as building new housing structures on the adjoining land.
To learn more regarding the history of the Stanwix Homes, click HERE.
Thurles Lions Club members through Thurles Lions Housing Trust Association, are now asking the community to please note that a public information day regarding The Stanwix Homes will be held on Saturday next, 13th January 2018, in the Order of Malta Hall, Boheravoroon (Borroway), Thurles Townparks, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, from 11.00am to 4.00pm.
Plans for the proposed refurbishment of The Stanwix Home, Upper Kickham Street, Thurles are now taking shape. This iconic building, known with affection as “The Widow’s Homes”, has provided sheltered accommodation for some 129 years. However, despite upgrading by Thurles Lions Club in the past, this accommodation is no longer suitable to modern day required standards, and thus a major refurbishment of the property is now well overdue. Future proposed works will ensure that the property can continue to provide sheltered accommodation, to a modern standard, for the next 100 years.
The plans to be put forward by Thurles Lions Trust Housing Association are to oversee the refurbishment of the existing building, latter a protected structure, to the highest possible standards; this together with the construction of new units of accommodation on the site. It is hoped to submit an application for planning permission to Tipperary County Council for works in the very near future, which, if approved, will deliver a total of 19 accommodation units for the site.
The new proposals include for the provision of the following facilities:-
(1) Nine one bedroomed apartments, to modern accommodation standards, following the refurbishment of the existing Stanwix apartments.
(2) Five new own-door one bedroomed apartments in a new block.
(3) A community home to accommodate 4 adults who will require 24 hour supported accommodation in addition to accommodation for 1 carer, and
(4) A communal facility in the former Director’s House which will combine community facilities for the residents of the development, with a support centre for the local community.
Prior to submitting the application for planning permission, Thurles Lions Trust are holding an information day where the plans for the proposed development can be viewed and where comments and suggestions from the public are welcome.
Thurles Lions Club are now inviting people to come along to Saturday’s public information day and give them your views.
For further information email
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