Folks we very much need your help, as this is Day 10, and one of man’s best friends is missing just before Christmas.
The dog answers to the name of Sonny and he is out there somewhere, possibly confused, most definitely lost and hungry.
At this point his owner remains unsure of his possible whereabouts, as some recent possible sightings place him around the Poldine area of Littleton; Two-Mile-Borris, and the Mill Road, Thurles.
People in Two-Mile-Borris area are also asked to please keep an eye out, and also around the Mill Road area of Thurles, where others believe he may have been spotted.
Animal lovers are also asked to please keep up their Social Media sharing, in an effort to locate this friendly family canine, missing from his home at Grangemore, Dualla, Cashel.
Surely someone must have spotted him or maybe he is currently already in your care and you are actively seeking the owner.
Either way, if located please contact Mr Christy Doherty immediately at Tel: 087-2675452, and in anticipation, I thank you for your kindness and help.
George. He looks just like Molly one of our friends has. I hope the owners find him soon. George don’t laugh but can you help out with the words ‘The Fields of Athenry’ by Brian Kennedy. I have searched everywhere for his recording. We had a group of expats trying to sing this song but my poor ears could not stand any more of all these different words. So I said stop. I will email our George and see if he can help us out. You know George that is one of the Irish songs I do not have in my collection. I tried U Tube but no success. That song seems to be sung everywhere at the moment. I sort of know some of the words but not all. Thanks George so much.
George. I was able to get the Lyrics of ‘The Fields of Athenry’ I Goggled Celtic Lyrics and there was a load of the great old Irish songs. I am still laughing at the words nothing like some of our group were singing. But now I can get them started all over again. We have some great singers in the group.I am looking forward to a few days rest over the Christmas. Thank you George.And Michael for your Christmas Greeting. Take care.
George. Was Sonny located we hope so. Had a Kangaroo come to the back fence looking for food. I am certain he understands my accent. I give him some wet bread although some say its not good for them. But anyway he enjoys it.
Its very hot and very humid. Love to have some of your weather. ‘Happy New Year ‘To you all.
Regret neither ‘hide nor hair of Sonny’ has not been found as yet. May I take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Happy & a Prosperous New Year.