Despite over half the month gone, March is already living up to its reputation of “March many weathers”.

Potato Sowing Time.
Temperatures are expected to fall below freezing tonight nationwide, with hazardous icy driving conditions guaranteed on our roads. (So please, please do drive with care.)
Today’s forecast comes with a yellow weather warning from Met Éireann for snow and ice tonight and much of tomorrow morning, particularly on mountains, hills and areas of high ground in the western half of the country.
During the next three days, Tuesday 21st through to Thursday23rd, our weather is expected to be cold with northern winds making it feel even colder, with some rain showers expected to turn into sleet or even snow.
With the long term weather outlook promising to turn milder next weekend; outside elements permitting, now might be the perfect opportunity to turn over some soil to the frost, in preparation for sowing a few seed potatoes early next week.
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