St.Mary’s Church of Ireland, Littleton, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
Local Correspondent Mr Gerry Bowe Reports:
St.Mary’s Church of Ireland, Littleton, are holding a service of re-dedication and Carols in St.Mary’s Church, this evening, Saturday 17th December 2016, at 7.00pm sharp.
Following the service, which will be led by Bishop Michael Andrew Burrows (Bishop of Cashel and Ossory), assisted by local Rector Rev. Victor Fitzpatrick; those attending are invited afterwards to attend at the Moycarkey/Borris Community Hall for refreshments.
December 25th 2015 turned into a nightmare, when the already restored church became engulfed in flames; possibly caused by an electrical fault in the Church organ. Now 12 months on, following massive assistance from a committed multi denominational local community, work at the Church is at an advanced stage of full restoration.
Church History
St Mary’s Church, Littleton, a “Bord of First Fruits” building, has stood in its present location since 1785, at a time when the Church of Ireland was experiencing a revival, following the depressed, harsh years of the Penal Laws.
Its interesting and indeed unusual internal and external architectural appearance is understood to be mainly due to the influences of one, Revd Richard French Laurence M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford, and one time Rector of Littleton & Ballybeg, e.g. instead of one pulpit and a lectern, there are, most unusually, two high pulpits, one on each side of the sanctuary, each standing on bases of open Bibles, surmounted by pedestals whose tops support closed Bibles and with canopied seats within each of the pulpit.
The sanctuary itself is in the Nordic Lutheran style with a solid wooden semi-circular alter rail, attached to gates granting access to the interior area on either side.
All are welcome to attend this ‘Re-dedication and Carol Service of Light’ and afterwards at the Moycarkey/Borris Community Hall for celebratory refreshments.
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