Pictured L-R: Dan Fitzpatrick (North Tipp Vintage Club.), Sean Ryan (M.C.C.), Rev. Victor Fitzpatrick (St Mary’s C of I, Littleton.), Gerry Bowe (Chairman Organising Committee.), Rev. Tom Fogarty, C.C., Fr Joe Tynan P.P., John McCormack, (Chairman Board of Management, Two-Mile-Borris, National School,), Fr George Bourke P.P., & Enda Bourke (Committee Member).
A large crowd assembled recently in the Community Sports Centre, Littleton, Thurles, to formally bid a reluctant farewell to Thurles born Fr. Joe Tynan. Born in 1963, Fr Joe had ministered to parishioners in the Two-Mile-Borrris / Littleton / Moycarkey area for some 11 years and has now moved to join the parish of Kilteely, Co Limerick, as parish priest.
Educated at Thurles Presentation Convent and Thurles C.B.S, Fr. Joe entered St. Patrick’s College prior to being ordained in Thurles Cathedral, on June 13th 1992.
Master of Ceremonies for the evening, Mr Gerry Bowe, (Chairman Organising committee) spoke of Fr. Joe’s exceptional organisational skills, before making a presentation to him on behalf of a community which he had served with true dedication. Mr Dan Fitzpatrick (North Tipp Vintage Club), also made a presentation on behalf of his organisation.
Other speakers at the event included Sean Ryan (M.C.C.), Rev. Victor Fitzpatrick (St Mary’s C of I, Littleton.), Fr George Bourke P.P. (Moycarkey) and Sean McCormack (Scoil Mochaomhóg Naofa, Two-Mile-Borris.); all who spoke glowingly of the contribution made by Fr. Joe in relation to the communities needs, including those invalided, elderly, young people and education.
To Fr. Joe goes our every good wish and success in his new parish of Kilteely, Co. Limerick.
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