Large turn-out for recent Garda information evening at St. Patricks College, Thurles, Co Tipperary.
Garda Annette Connolly, of Thurles Garda Station, has announced an information evening for the people of Thurles; to provide details of crime prevention in town and to report on the progress of Thurles Town Text Alert.
After just twelve months in operation, Thurles Text Alert has already proven its worth to the local community and Garda Connolly said that it is already the largest Text Alert Scheme in the Tipperary Garda Division, with more than 600 registered members.
The scheme is administered by a local committee in conjunction with An Garda Siochána and is rated an invaluable aid in the detection and prevention of crime.
At the forthcoming information evening, Garda Connolly will give a detailed account of the principles of Text Alert and how it operates and will welcome queries from those in attendance. In addition to Garda Connolly’s presentation, Sergeant Tom O’Dwyer will be on hand to inform and advise the public on crime prevention measures people can take, in order to protect their homes and property at this time of year.
Since Thurles Text Alert has just come to the end of its first year, two important events will take place at this upcoming information evening. The first is that details of renewal for Text Alert will be announced and Garda Connolly has stated that she expects the event will encourage all those presently registered to renew their membership; while spurring those who have not taken part to date, to use this occasion to sign up. To this end; thousands of application forms have been distributed locally to assist existing and intending members. The greater the membership, the more efficient the project.
The second important event on the evening will be the A.G.M. of Thurles Town Text Alert. People will have an opportunity to participate in the scheme in a meaningful way and, since it is running very smoothly, there is no great commitment on peoples’ time.
Senior Garda management will be present at this meeting to answer any queries from the public and to address issues of concern.
Be sure to make a note of this important and informative evening.
The event takes place Monday 11th April; the venue is Sarsfields Social Centre, Bohernanave, Thurles and the starting time is set for 7.30 p.m. sharp.
There is NO PUNISHMENT for crime in Ireland.