Pic (1) Tipperary Co. Council Chairperson Mr Seamus Hanafin & Mr Pat Donnelly examine success of flood barriers. Pic (2) Flood Barriers hold back water at Swinging Gates on Thomond Road. Pic (3) One of the Co. Council pumps removing excess water from the Emmet Street / Thomond Road junction area of Thurles.
Flood waters rose over 18ins on the river Suir in Thurles overnight; leading to flooding near the ‘Swinging Gates’ area on Thomond Road. While the roadway itself remains presently closed to vehicle traffic, the area remains, for the moment at least, safely accessible to pedestrians.
This area here-to-fore has always proved to be a major trouble spot during normal heavy winter rain. However thanks to carefully planning by Tipperary Co. Council’s; through the more recent introduction of non return drains and the induction of flood barriers, same this morning remains relatively controlled, despite the best efforts of Storm Frank.
Tipperary Co. Council also have two pumps in operation on the Emmet Street / Thomond Road junction, thus further ensuring this area remains relatively clear of flood waters.
Met Éireann however warn that further heavy rain and winds are likely to continue for at least the next week, which could cause further problems for areas already flooded.
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