Thurles Christian Brothers School (CBS) held their ‘Annual Awards Night Ceremony’ on Thursday night last, in the school’s splendid James O’Donoghue Sports Hall: and indeed what a year of Academic and Sporting excellence this year (2015) turned out to be.
With Master of Ceremonies for the evening Mr Theo Lloyd and with standing room only available, a wide spectrum of achievements were quickly introduced and recognised by teaching staff and parents at the night’s event, with awards ranging from ‘Full Attendance’, ‘Academic Excellence’, ‘Sport’, ‘Music’, ‘Construction’, ‘Culture’ to individual ‘Artistic Accomplishment’.

Pictured above are Mr Donal Scannell (CEO Thurles Credit Union) Eoin Corbett (CBS Student of the Year 2015) with parents Michael & Eithne, His Grace Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly (Cashel & Emly Diocese) and Mr Tiernan O’Donnell (Thurles CBS Principal).
The guest speaker for the evening was past pupil, Mr. Aidan Fogarty, who spoke fondly of his own time spent in Thurles CBS, while also outlining, for all pupils and parents in attendance, the importance of hard work and continued real determination. Also in attendance on the night was special guest, His Grace Kieran O’Reilly, (Archbishop of Cashel & Emly Diocese).
In ‘Athletics’, Daniel Ryan and Fred Crowley both picked up awards; while David Ryan was named ‘Basketball Player of the Year’. The ‘Ronaynes Junior Certificate Materials Technology Award’, latter which recognises the best Junior Certificate project, went to Darragh Taylor; while Eric Fanning won the ‘A.I.B. Construction Studies Award’.
James Ryan won the ‘Junior Hurler of the Year’ award while the ‘Senior Hurler of the Year’ award went to Chris McCullough. Niall Heffernan won the ‘Harty Cup Hurler of the Year’ and Keith Ryan picked up the prize for best ‘First Year Hurler’. There were also hurling awards for Darren Flood, Jack Fallon, Jack Taylor, Michael Purcell and Conor Stakelum. Fred Crowley picked up the award for ‘Junior Footballer of the year’. The overall prize for ‘Sportsperson of the Year’ went to Billy McCarthy.
The award for the ‘Best Junior Certificate 2014’ went to Mark Fortune with Peter Carragher taking the award for ‘Best Leaving Certificate 2014’.
The George Willoughby sponsored ‘Cultural Award’ was presented to Diarmaid Meagher, while there were awards in ‘Music’ for Micheal Bourke and Christopher Carew. In ‘Art’, there were awards for David Conway and John Shanahan while other Cultural awards went to Adam O’Dwyer and Eoin Corbett.
The Parent’s Council sponsored ‘Creative Writing Awards’ went to Brian O’Callaghan, Brendan Atkins and Adam O’Dwyer. Daniel Ryan was named as ‘Junior Student of the Year’.
Student of the Year 2015 Award
The highlight and most coveted accolade of the night, as is usual in Thurles CBS, was the award for ‘Student of the Year’, sponsored annually by Thurles Credit Union. Introducing this year’s winner, School Principal Mr Tiernan O’Donnell described the winner as; “He is caring, demonstrates friendly attitudes to fellow students and strives to help others. These attributes are the sign of an outstanding person. He has friendly relationships with his peers and a positive relationship when coming into contact with all staff. Various people in his surroundings characterize this student as being pleasant, caring and an attractive person.As a school Principal I can emphasize character features which are especially important for studying; his strength of will and diligence. This student always tries hard, works a lot and never gives up.
Aristotle once stated “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit”. This student does not strive for recognition: he focuses on the real and true values and the overall contributions he himself can make.
I therefore believe that Eoin Corbett is worthy of the Thurles Credit Union 2015 sponsored Student of the Year Award.”
Thurles Credit Union’s Mr Michael Harty (Business & Strategy Manager) stated; “This evening, we recognise the achievements and accomplishments of the very talented students on their progression through second level education and ultimately on to third level. I want to congratulate the recipient of the Student of the Year – he is a worthy winner of this award. I would also like to acknowledge the huge efforts of all teaching staff , together with the parents of students at Thurles CBS, who both invest hugely in terms of their time, money and effort.
This much coveted ‘Student of the Year Award’ was presented by Mr Donal Scannell (CEO Thurles Credit Union).
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