
New Wind Farm At Templetuohy Tipperary

BruckhanaThe current construction and development of a 40 megawatt wind farm at Bruckhana in Co Tipperary progressed a step closer today when it was officially launched on behalf of Bord na Móna by Labour Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Mr Pat Rabbitte.

Bord na Móna last year had selected several acres of cutaway peat-lands for the construction and development of this new wind farm, located on the borders joining the Counties Kilkenny, Laois and Tipperary and between the villages of Templetuohy, Thurles, Co Tipperary and Johnstown, Co Kilkenny, latter known generally to local residents as Templetuohy bog.

Bord na Móna have been involved in peat production operations at this site since the 1950’s and parts of the bog still remain in active peat production. This new development is named after one of the local townlands namely ‘Bruckhana’ latter which is included in this site where the current construction of these turbines are now being progressed.

When fully operational this wind farm will greatly improve the geographical distribution of wind energy facilities emerging nationally and will contribute to bring a more balanced input of wind energy to the National Grid thus supporting the Government’s 40% required EU target for electricity power generated from renewable energy sources.

“Speaking at the launch the Minister stated; “Ireland has a challenging EU renewable energy target to meet by 2020, which includes meeting 40% of our electricity demand from renewable sources. We are now making progress to meet this target, and with the development of renewable generation of this scale at Bruckhana we will eventually see, when it is complete, how crucial it will become to maintaining the rate of build necessary to achieve these set EU targets.
Ireland is fortunate to have some of the best renewable energy resources in Europe. Not only will the exploitation of this clean, sustainable, indigenous resource allow us to break our dependence on expensive imported fossil fuels and reduce our harmful emissions, it also holds the potential for Ireland to become an exporter of renewable energy, with its attendant economic benefits for the country.
Yesterday I launched the first stage of a consultation process on the Renewable Energy Export and Development Framework. The approval of any proposed large scale renewable energy export projects must await the putting in place of this framework. I recognise the significance of the announcement Bord na Móna has made here today, regarding their Clean Energy Hub. I urge them, and all other prospective developers, to now fully engage with this consultation process.”

The Minister also called on developers to communicate fully, the local and national socio-economic benefits flowing from investment in their projects and to examine how best they can deliver on community gain.


3 comments to New Wind Farm At Templetuohy Tipperary

  • David Curtin

    Minister, why didn’t you travel a couple of miles over to the Lisheen mine and have a look at the Wind farm there. If you had, would you agree the countryside has been blotted for many many miles in every direction.

    And now with this announcement this ‘blot’ looks like spreading.

    It looks like all the rabbits and wild fowl will have to move on again to a new abode in the very near future.

  • Jimmy

    Why is Rabbitte launching this when the planning guidelines haven’t been agreed? Wind power is an expensive and unreliable farce that disfigures and damages the rural environment.

  • Thomas

    I have lived for thirty years between Moneypoint, Tarbert and Aughinish Alumina and see the black polluting smoke billowing out and country blotted.
    In the name of God will people be sensible about these issues
    The objectors to Doonbeg golf had scientific proof that snails was going to be wiped out—–it has increased two hundred fold.

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