
Weekend Of Laughter In The Source Thurles

Economic Recession, Water Charges, Mortgage Rate Rises, and with all that depression about, what we all need is a good laugh. This ‘sure cure remedy’ is ready and available this weekend here at The Source Theatre, in Thurles.

God’s Official

To some people, football is a matter of life and death, to others it is even far more important than that great love of the sport itself.

Two football fans have just seen their side relegated after a referee disallowed a perfectly good goal and allowed the opposition to go down to the other end and score. This can be just one step to many, however the referee’s decision is final…or is it?

Two lads, Degsy and Cliff, decide to take matters into their own hands and kidnap the referee to force him to change his mind on this all important goal, with hilarious and the most unexpected consequences. This is a madcap comedy starring legendary Irish actor, Mick Lally, George McMahon of Mondo and Fair City fame and rising star Edwin Mullane.

Kidnapping a referee (and a Christian referee at that, hence the title) may seem a corny plot for a play. After all, we have all wanted to do something similar after a certain clash with a recent French team, but this script is a tremendous piece of writing, and superbly acted. Ostensibly about football, God’s Official is a powerful play about passion and commitment, a welcome relief in these dark and cynical times.

The play was a massive hit at the Edinburgh Festival winning the Spirit of the Fringe Award.  Now, with Irish men taking up the roles, it’s on a nationwide tour set to amuse and delight soccer fans up and down the country.

So for all you football fanatics and soccer widows, why not make a night of it together, with a show that promises to entertain everybody.

God’s Official will appear at The Source Arts Centre for one night only on Fri next the 23rd April. Time 8.00pm.

Kevin McAleer

On Saturday night the 24th of April, complete your therapy with a dose of the veteran County Tyrone stand up comedian Kevin McAleer who will be in attendance at the The Source Arts Centre also at 8.00pm.

Is it possible for a comedian to be too Irish I ask?  No, not when Kevin McAleer oozes that whimsical spirit of Flann O’Brien with almost every deadpan utterance. “Sure you couldn’t have a famine in Ireland now, people would just go and eat out.”

It’s nearly twenty years since Kevin lit up our hearts and the screens of our television sets with his psychedelic folk tales of Kojak, Dana, Gary Glitter, the Woman and the Washing Powder, Closedown, and dozens of other cultural icons too numerous to mention.


McAleer has been hugely influential in comedy circles for a whole generation of comedians, not just in here in Ireland, but in the UK as well. Our own David O’Doherty, for example, tells how he decided to become a comedian after seeing the original Nighthawks show in the Olympia back in the middle of the Nineties.

His owlish storytelling occasionally rambles down a funny side, not often identified by the average man, and then finds it way back in a similar vein, leading you always into continuous bouts of uncontrollable laughter.  His grossly understated absurdism’s will have you in stitches and most certainly he deserves to demonstrate his unique and talented wares to packed audiences.

This show is a must for economic depression sufferers.

To book for one or both shows call 0504-90204 or visit the Source website

Tickets to both shows on both nights will cost you less than a trip to your doctor and no trip to the chemist for that medication needed later.


2 comments to Weekend Of Laughter In The Source Thurles

  • Argo

    Kevin McAleer….he’d be worth seeing….his ‘Television’ skit is priceless

  • Argo, Believe me when I say he is totally out on his own. None of this rubish American style of “make it up as you go” blue style rubish. His is real comedy- Irish comedy. Watch his face as he performs his character parts-suspect his comedy is based on observing real people he possibly knows.

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