We understand that up to 14 people have been arrested (1 woman and 13 men) with all remaining in Garda custody, as part of ‘Operation Coronation’, latter initially set up to target Co. Limerick’s feuding criminal gangs, one of which is centred on the King’s Island area of the city. This criminal gang are known to have interests and members in adjoining counties, including Tipperary, Limerick and Clare.
At 6.00am this morning, in excess of 170 Gardaí; members of the Criminal Assets Bureau; the Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau; together with members of the Defence Forces, were involved in carrying out searches on 67 properties in all three of the aforementioned counties and confirm that a substantial amount of cash in Euro, Sterling, old Irish currency and Dirham, (latter Dirham being the currency of the United Arab Emirates), Drugs, Jewelry and property have been seized.
In all, during this operation Gardaí seized the following:-
Some €220,000.00 in Euros, Sterling, Dirham and old Irish currency.
Deeds to a property in Dubai.
One motor vehicle valued at approximately €50,000.00.
€100,000 worth of jewellery and luxury watches.
High value clothing items
Significant evidence to support the current investigation, including financial accounts and property documentation.
Suspected drugs to the value of €23,500.
Two cocaine presses
Two bank accounts have also been frozen, containing sums in excess of €119,000.
The Irish Army Search Engineers, the Army Bomb Disposal Team and an army helicopter have been also involved.
This mornings operation forms part of the Limerick Divisional crime strategy and is a central plank of the Divisional Policing Plan, in the targeting of organised crime.
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