In Quiet Clonea
Courtesy of Thurles Author & Poet Tom Ryan ©
Light clouds laze in the ethereal blue,
Above the shimmering sea,
And dark cruachan breasts, the clouds,
Near the strand of quiet Clonea.
Between mountain and sea I would linger there,
Hear Gaelic words call to me,
And caravan folk sing and joke,
Pacing the strand at quiet Clonea.
In each feeling heart all over the earth
There’s a place if we wish to see.
Where courage and calm and honest mirth,
Coalesce in tranquility.
And lucky am I and blessed beyond words
That a haven and heaven to me,
Is where the soft sea breeze and a pleasant ease,
Are lords of the strand at Clonea.
Oh, painter were I, I’d capture you now,
Your beauty forever to be,
And great was the day when God could say,
“I made you my own, Clonea”.
Tom Ryan “Iona”, Rahealty, Thurles, Co. Tipperary
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